- Contact Dale at dalespitler@comcast.net
E-mail to Doc April 9, 2011:
Greetings from an old timer. Not sure how many of us are still around. I’m from the days of having to row to the Med. We have been shaving with the old girl for years. Served on her in the 52’s and the 53’s. Homeport now is Gig Harbor, Wa. Sweated down in the engine room with the two Nordberg 3000 hp direct reversable Engines and the GM
8268 A’s for power plants. Was aboard when the skipper called for 1/3 astern, springing out on bow lines when the engines failed to restart and we ended up dead in the water. A first class engineman named Wizorick, I think that was his name, grabbed a 36 ” stilson wrench, went aft of the engine, tried to prime the governer, and the engine took off, the wrench jammed into the blower block, and the engine with no governer to hold it back, took off. As I recall they red lined a 500 RP but Lord have mercy, the ship was shaking and that baby was really screaming. We were all hiding behind the GM’s till the big boy blew the blower. I think that was how I recall it. Also my watch was on the evaps making fresh water out of salt water. we will have time to share at the reunion. Hoping this finds you and yours in good health and looking foward to seeing you in Seattle. Yours in comradeship.
Dale Spitler
Hi Dale…Reilly, Edward J. EN2 (was EN3 on the Mazzie ’65 to ’67)…Those ‘Ol Nordbergs were 2 Mighty Bears! Welcome back aboard!
Ed Reilly
Holy cow! I didn’t realize how old I’m getting until I started getting e-Mails from all you youngsters. I still have an original copy of the crew in the 50’s. I’ll bring it with me. In the mean time I’m the guy who sent the Mazama baseball caps to you several conventions ago. I’m 81 on the 17th of April and I guess George Evjen and I are probably about the only ones around yet. If any one of you fella’s know where to get a big photo of the old Girl, I’d sure like to get ahold of one. After they put her to rest most of her history went by the wayside. When Capt. Holly was relieved I got his epaulet and still have it. Great hearing from all of you.
Spitler, D.E. Enfn.
Hi! My name is Nicole Miller, my grandfather is JR miller, & I have his Navy book. He asked me to share a few pics with you guys, what’s a good email address? Happy to share!