- Contact Dennis at dmilanmazama@hotmail.com
I remember going into Da Nang in 69, June-July maybe, but not sure of the date. I know the Marines needed them and Mazama was the closest at the time.
Also, remember going into Cam Ranh Bay and being met by a PBR, to take one of our guys home for his Dad’s funeral, around August 1969.
Best to you,
Dennis Milan, RD-2
USS Mazama AE-9
1969 WestPac Cruise
Hi, my name is Bob Curtis- I was a snipe during the 69 weatpac tour. I vividly remember in Cam Ranh Bay everything you just said. as a snipe we didn’t have many opportunities to see daylight or fresh air- so when the opportunity came up to clean swabs I jumped at it. I did see the PBR come along side .I remember the LT(?) wearing flip flops. DaNang was also remembered for its security. Didn’t we also go to Chu Lai? I also stayed with Mazama through its decommissioning in 1970. Then went to Nitro- AE 23.
Hi Bob,
I was the ships Postal Clerk (PC-2). kept a pretty detailed log (think diary) of the ’69 West Pac. I remember Danang, but I don’t recall Cam Ranh Bay. I do have an entry for Oct 21 for “PCF alongside for personnel transfer” but no location. I also don’t remember Chu Lai. . Had a fantastic cruise with a really great crew. Even the officers were regular guys. I got out January 30, 1970 and went back to my civilian Post Office job, Retired October 1992 as Superintendent, Postal Operations.
Dave (“PC”) Rumpeltin. .
Dave, read your posting. Do you have the Date when we pulled into Danang. Cant find that info anywhere. I was onboard same time as you.
ET2 (at the time) Joe Stoneham