- Contact David at n2utg@aol.com
Made the ’69 Westpac, came aboard November ’68 as a PC3, left with an early out January ’70 as a PC2. Got married, returned to my civilian job as a letter carrier (what else) in Ramsey NJ, had 3 kids (now grown), an architect, a music teacher and a private commercial pilot, and former Marine. Three grandchildren, and a ton of great memories. Retired in ’92 as Assistant Postmaster in Ramsey.
Hi David. We met in 1965 in Florida spring break. You visited in Syracuse a couple of times. Do happy you’ve had a great life. I have as well. 3 kids. Lots of grand children. You are a fond memory.
Oh wow, I remember that Florida trip! ou are also a very fond memory. Can’t believe you found me on the Mazama website ! My e-mail is n2utg@aol.com. Great hearing from you
I came across this today (Dec 29, 2013). I still see Tony, he lives about 5 miles from me. I still can’t believe you found me, what are the odds?
Hi Dave,
Hope you are doing well…I worked for you briefly in the Ramsey, NJ USPS 07446 in late 1976-early 1977. It was a good experience with the people who worked there. The UPS strike caused us to work a great deal of overtime and I remember delivering huge amounts of parcel post with a rented van and PM. Anyway, take care.